To see the Schedules, start by clicking on the blue Irrigation Automation tab at the bottom of the screen and select the Schedule.

-Choose to view by clicking the drop-down tab. Select Timeframe 1 hour, 2 hours, 1 day, 2 days etc.

Adding an Irrigation Schedule

choose you, controller,

Adding a new Shift-click the Shifts tab, then the + icon

Add a Name, Runtime, Valve and Pump, and if it’s a Fertigation Schedule, add the Fertigation System.

Click save and repeat for all shifts.

Adding a Sequence click the sequence tab, then the + icon. Give the sequence a name and add the shifts in your desired order.

Click, save, and repeat for all sequences.

Adding a sequence to the Schedule, click the calendar icon next to the sequence, add the start date and time and add a repeating shift by clicking the Repeat Schedule. Tick box and select the days you would like it to repeat.